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Materials List (1 3/4" excluding ear wire)8 Kite Beads10 GemDuo Beads4 2mm Round Beads or True2 2mm FirePolished beads32 Size 15/0 Seed BeadsBeading Thread of Choice2 Sitia Cymbalβ’ 8/0 Bead Ends1 Pair Ear Wires
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Materials List for Peacock Earrings by Leslie A Pope
Materials (1 3/4" excluding ear wire)
8 Kite Beads10 GemDuo Beads4 2mm Round Beads or True2 2mm FirePolished Beads32 Size 15/0 Seed BeadsBeading Thread of Choice2 Sitia Cymbalβ’ 8/0 Bead Ends1 Pair of Ear Wires
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