Deborah Roberti designs beading patterns. Her website offers some free and some bead patterns available for purchase. I highly recommend her bead patterns, not only are they extremely affordable and easy to follow, but they are very versatile as well. This category highlights some of the possible variations of her Bubble Necklace and Earrings pattern. This pattern are available for $4.25 on the www.aroundthebeadingtable.comwebsite - click herefor the earrings pattern.
Note - in this variation, I used the new Preciosa 8mm 2-Hole Candy Beads, instead of 6mm 2-hole beads. I modified steps 12,13,33 & 34 to string 6 seed beads around the Candy bead, instead of the 4 beads needed to go around the 6mm 2-hole bead. The drop crystal used in this variation has an elongated tip on the top, so in step 15 I used four seed beads on either side of the crystal.
Necklace Materials (for an 18 inch necklace, not including clasp) Approx 4 yards of Bead Thread of Choice About 300 size 11/0 seed beads Approx 48 size 3mm beads (any 3mm bead type) Approx 30 size 4mm beads (any 4mm bead type) 3 size 8mm 2-hole Candy beads 1 2-hole dagger bead (or any top drilled bead) Clasp of Choice Earring Materials Approx 4 feet of Bead Thread of Choice About 60 size 11/0 seed beads Approx 10 size 3mm beads (any 3mm bead type) 2 size 6mm 2-hole beds (Cabs, Silky, Honeycomb) 2 2-hole dagger bead (or any top drilled bead) Two small (2-4mm) Jump Rings A Pair of Earring Findings
Below are the components used in this design example. If you would like to make this version yourself, you will need to calculate the quantities of each item to purchase, depending on the length of bracelet you wish to make, etc.